Thank gosh it's monday

''Thank gosh it's Monday, positivity Monday!
When life knocks you down or rubs dirt in your face, use the dirt to grow roses all over the place.

It's Monday, positivity Monday!
''Sing with me, Gary!''
''Thank gosh it's Monday, day of positivity Monday!
Get rid of all the germs, brush your teeth, make room in your mouth for the foods you eat!

It's Monday, it's Monday, it's Monday,

Positivity MONDAAAYYY!!
Will you pipe down?! You're the only moron in the whole world who actually likes Monday!
Oh, no. 
''The yummy-yum-yum day!'' 
''I'll have a Krabby Patty!'' 
''Or two, or three!'' 
''Yeah, come on tummy, sing with me! It's Monday, thank gosh it's Monday!''
''Thank gosh it's Monday!'' 
''Positivity Monday!'' 
''M-O-N-D-A-Y! M-O-N-D-A-Y! It's Monday!'' 
''Positivity Monday!''
and than a skeleton popped out